Komatsu Australia has been named part of the ‘Australian Trusted Trader’ (ATT) program – an Australian only government program that simplifies customs processes for approved businesses, and will allow for a secure supply chain and faster access to market for our machines and parts.

Administered by Home Affairs with the Australian Border Force, Komatsu Australia was independently assessed and accredited against World Customs Organization standards, which included a lengthy online application process, followed by an onsite review where they assessed site security, IT security and backup, container security on-site and throughout the supply chain, HR onboarding and maintenance processes and compliance with customs-related laws.
Russell Hodson, Komatsu Australia’s Executive General Manager for Supply Chain, Operation Reform & Innovation says being part of the program will see benefits for not only the business, for Komatsu customers as well.
“Priority treatment at the border means faster processing of all our goods coming through customs, which in turn means we can get our parts and products to our customers quicker,” Russell says.
“Following the extensive audit, we received great feedback in our assessment from the Australian Border Force on our standard of process control and compliance with the criteria, which gave them confidence to award us with the Australian Trusted Trader status.
“We know that supply chain interruptions are a major issue for our customers at the moment, and we hope that this accreditation will ease the process, and allow for quicker access for Komatsu machinery and parts.”
For more information about the ATT program, head to -